Does chosing Chris or Jill make any difference?


Can someone explain how choosing Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine affects your playthrough in Resident Evil 1? Differences in abilities, inventory?

Does chosing Chris or Jill make any difference
Resident Evil

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4 Answers

GuacamoleFantastic -

Choose Jill if you want an easier time. She carries more stuff and Barry helps her with items and saves her sometimes. Chris doesnt get that help but he has Rebecca who can heal him when needed.

bandersnatch -

Playing as Chris is typically harder than Jill. Hes got fewer item slots and can take more damage, which sorta forces you to plan your moves more deliberately. Jill starts with the lockpick and gets the grenade launcher, making some fights a lot easier to manage. Personally, I like the challenge with Chris but if youre new to the game maybe start with Jill.

Pam -

when u pick chris or jill in resident evil 1, it changes the game a lot.

jill—more item slots, easier weapons, picks locks. has 8 slots so less backtracking. partners with barry who helps sometimes, like giving acid rounds or saving her.

chris—less slots but tougher, takes more damage like a tank. only 6 slots so gotta plan more. partners with rebecca who heals and helps in puzzles.

route and puzzles change too. different for each character, keeps it fresh.

jill’s story is a bit easier, more key items early on. chris needs keys jill doesn’t.

endings also change, depending on partners n stuff. different cutscenes.

pretty much, picking chris or jill shapes your game—the challenges, who helps you, and the story. try both to get the full experience.

SteveSickle89 -

So Chris and Jill completely change how you approach the game right from the start. Jill gets 8 inventory slots compared to Chris’s 6, which means she can carry more stuff, making exploration a bit smoother. She also gets a lockpick, which is a huge convenience since she can open a bunch of doors without having to find keys first. Chris, on the other hand, has more health and comes with a lighter, but his limited storage means you’ll have to double back to item boxes more often.

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