I’m in the middle of Chapter 4 in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth and suddenly I can’t save my game anymore. It keeps showing a ‘failed to save data’ message, and I have no clue why. Up until now, everything worked perfectly. I’m worried about losing nearly an hour of game time if I turn it off. Has anyone faced something like this or have any tips to fix it?
3 Answers
I haven’t hit Chapter 4 yet, but everything’s still smooth for me. Are you using an SD card or SSD? If it’s not on an external device, maybe try moving the install or looking at your storage settings.
I also have faced save issues before, though not with FF7 directly. It could be something to do with the permissions or settings on your hard drive. Make sure your game files are accessible, or maybe even try reinstalling if nothing else works.
Sometimes a failed save can happen if you run out of storage space on your device. Check if your hard drive or any other storage option you’re using is full. Clearing some space might solve the issue.