Can You Beat Nemesis Without Using the Grenade Launcher?


Trying to defeat Nemesis on the second phase where he came out of the water all augmented and more like a dog beast kinda thing but I didn’t bring the grenade launcher to the fight. Is it possible to even kill him without the launcher? Seems bad design they would allow you walk into this without the tools needed to kill him so I’m guessing there’s more to it? The game made an auto save right before the fight too.

Can You Beat Nemesis Without Using the Grenade Launcher
Resident Evil 3

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2 Answers

Ray Cunningham -

it’s not worth the trouble, you are just gonna have to load an earlier save, even if it means losing a lot of progress. He is hard as hell to kill without the launcher. You need to blast him with the mines a few times and that will do it. I brought flame rounds too as that was what I needed for the final flow. I dunno if it’s what is needed or what but the shot from a flame rounds is what took him out for me.

skelligewanderer -

You can totally beat Nemesis without the grenade launcher. Focus on dodging his attacks, use the assault rifle or shotgun when you get an opening. Aim for his head or the exposed heart after he mutates. Keep a safe distance and pay attention to his patterns so you can react on time.

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