Can't reach hidden room in Twilight harbour


I have all the treasure in this level. All that is left is the treasure up in the control room near the middle of the level. I can see a guy in the window up there and behind the building I see a platform with some yellow gems on it. I’ve tried using the super charge to get up there but spyro can’t jump high enough to reach it. I’m assuming this involves something around the super charge run but I can’t find it. How do you get to the secret room with the treasure in twilight harbor?

Cant reach hidden room in Twilight harbour
Spyro Reignited Trilogy

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1 Answer

NukeZer0 -

Go through the room with the Pistons and at the other side look to the left side of the bridge / path. There will be a gold crank that you can flame and it will lift the bridge up allowing you to access the secret room.

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