Wii U Help & Discussions

This section is for frequently asked questions, help and tips for the Wii U. If you are stuck in the middle of a repair or something isn't working correctly for you, check out the questions below and you may find what you are looking for. Feel free to post a question if you want to get some help or just want to discuss something about thie Wii U


Will Nintendo still be publishing games for the Wii U or have they officially given up all hope of ever making money from this console?

Is it possible to play gamecube games on the Wii U? does the system allow you to insert a smaller game cube disc?

The layout of the screens is pretty much the exact same. A touchpad on the controller and then a primary screen. Can the Wii U play games that were released on the 3ds exclusively?

IS it possible to play games that I bought for the Wii U on the Nintendo Switch? Is the switch backward compatable?