The eighth generation of Pokémon games, also known as the “Gen VIII” games, was released in 2019 and includes Pokémon Sword and Shield. This generation introduced a total of 88 new species of Pokémon, bringing the total number of species to 890.
The eighth generation games take place in a new region called Galar and feature new cities, towns, and routes to explore, as well as new Gym Leaders and Champion to battle. The games also introduce new gameplay mechanics, such as “Dynamax,” which allows certain Pokémon to temporarily grow to giant size and increase their power in battle, and the concept of “Max Raid Battles,” where players can team up with others to battle giant Dynamax Pokémon.
Another significant addition of the eighth generation is the concept of “Galarian Forms,” where certain Pokémon have different appearances and abilities in the Galar region compared to other regions. The eighth generation also introduced new forms of evolution, including evolution through exposure to certain environmental factors.