Xbox One


Can't extract blood sample from feral ghoul?

How do you extract a blood sample from a feral ghoul. It does not seem to be working for me

Reset S.P.E.C.I.A.L Points??

Is there a way to set your characters special points in Fallout 76 to respec your character without starting again?

Overencumbered! Running will drain AP?? How To fix?

I have gotten the message Overencumbered! Running will drain AP. How do you make this go away? It is making me run slow.

Can you disable hunger and thirst?

Is there a way to disable the survival mechanics in Fallout 76 so that hunger and thirst are no longer an issue?

Strength in Numbers Quest Glitched

The Strength in Numbers quest in Fllout 76 seems to have glitched for me. Listening to the radio signal doesnt seem to work properly

Can you lower the games difficulty?

Is there a way to lower the game difficulty in Fallout 76 to make it easier?

Required blood sample is not loaded in the centrifuge quest bug

I have out the blood into the centrifuge but I get the error Required blood sample is not loaded when I use terminal.

Motherlode quest, external connection system not responding?

I am stuck on the top floor for the motherlode quest. The terminal isnt doing anything when I interact with it even though the quest icon is pointing at it in fallout 76.

Do You Need an Internet Connection To Play ESO?

Do you need to have an internet connection to play Elder Scrolls Online? Is there an offline game mode?

Can Fallout 76 Be Played Offline?

Is it possible to play Fallout 76 while offline or do you need to have an internet connection to play?