Astroneer - Resin

astroneer resin

Resin is likely the second resource that players will come across when starting a new game in Astroneer. A bright yellow resource that looks a bit like plastic tubes bunched together. The resource will spawn in a similar way to compound. You will see large amounts of it above the surface and when you dig below, you will find various amounts. 

Where To Find Resin

Resin can be found by exploring the surface of the planet. You will likely find large amounts of it all over the place. It is also quite common to find below the surface and much easier to spot due to the yellow colour. Once you find some, keep digging into the soil or rock behind it to find an increasing amount. Some deposits can yield an incredibly large amount of this resource.

Soil Centrifuge2 Full Soil Canisters8 Resin
Trade Platform1 Scrap2 Resin

What Planets Contain Resin?

Resin can be found across all planets in Astroneer in varying quantities. The table below will list the different planets of the game and give you the rarity of the resource on each one. 

SylvaVery Common


where to find resin
You can see the yellow resin in the soil in the background. The rover also has several pieces of harvested resin on the storage unit.

What is Resin Used For?

Resin is used for a lot of early game structures and items. You will find it is used as much as compound is and it is found as often on the starting planet. The table below will contain a full list of all structures and items that can be crafted using just this resource or a combination of others.

Creation MethodInputOutput Item/Structure
Backpack Printer1 ResinCanister
1 ResinOxygen Filters
Small Printer2 ResinMedium Storage
1 ResinMedium Platform A
2 ResinMedium Platform B
1 ResinMedium Platform C
Medium Printer2 ResinLarge Platform A
3 ResinLarge Platform B
2 Resin, 1 CompoundSmelting Furnace
1 Resin, 2 CompoundResearch Chamber
Chemistry Lab1 Resin, 1 OrganicRubber
1 Resin, 1 Methane, 1 QuartzSilicone


What Does Resin Look Like

Resin looks like a bunch of yellow plastic tubes sticking out of the soil. They are very distinct and unique looking which is sure to attract the attention of any newcomer to the game. Resin is very common on the starting planet and is relatively common on all other planets as it is a core resource for almost everything you can craft in Astroneer.

Where to find resin
When collected resin will look like a honeycomb made of plastic. Similar to the raw version but in a stack.
what does resin look like
Resin is incredibly common and appears in large batches on the surface of Sylva. You will become very familiar with it. The image here shows collected resin on the back of a rover and lots of raw elements growing in the grass behind


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