Video Game Guides


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Where To Find The Strange Artifact

There is a trophy in The Last of Us Part 2 Called "Relic of the Sages". The description is "Find the strange artifact". For those who have played previous Naughty Dog games, you can probably guess what this strange artifact...
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Subway Canteen Door Code

The subway is one of the more stressful areas in the Last of Us Part 2. A new type of infected monster that can kick your ass. Tight, gloomy areas with limited supplies. You will eventually come across a room...
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Seattle Fedra Gate Codes

When you first get to Seattle, you will be greeted with a huge metal gate that is locked. Ellie will climb around, but you will need to open this gate in order to let Dina through with the horse. This...
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Powering The Main Gate At Seattle

When you first arrive at the outskirts of Seattle, you will leave Dina outside with the horse and need to find a way to get inside. Once inside, you will need to lift the main gate in order to let...
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How To Get Out Of The Synagogue

During your hunt for the fuel needed to power the locked Fedra gate, you will end up at the synagogue. This is the large building with the dome roof and stained glass windows.  Once inside, you will need to hop...
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Finding The Barkos Key Stash

This area of the city will be one of the first large areas you get to explore. You will get here shortly after getting to the locked fedra gate. If you are hungry for mystery, you will likely be exploring...
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Locked Room Supply Stash Guide

As you make your way through The Last Of Us Part 2, you will often find abandoned buildings and other areas that contain a stash of weapons and supplies. These will often be easy enough to locate, but difficult to...
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How To Access The Supermarket

While out on patrol with Dina, you will come across a moose that has been killed. You will head inside a supermarket to kill off any infected that have made their way into this area. The supermarket has quite a...
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Remapping Last of Us Part 2 Controls

The control scheme in Last of Us Part 2 takes a bit of getting used to from the default settings. R2 to reload, L1 to sprint and dodge. Even after some time, when put under pressure, you might find yourself...
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How To Play With Friends In Payday 2

Payday 2 supports 4 player coop, this means you can jump in and play with some friends online. If you have just loaded up the game and want to get started with some multiplayer games, it isn't immediately clear how...