Horizon Forbidden West Game Guides
How to Get The Diving Mask
If you have been keeping up with the game trailers that came before the release of Horizon: Forbidden West, you will have noticed Aloy wearing some kind of snorkel device while she is swimming below the water. It won't take...
Guide To Climbing In Forbidden West
If you are coming from games like Uncharted or even Breath of the Wild, the climbing mechanics in Horizon: Forbidden west may leave you a little puzzled. Not only does Aloy not have the same quality of life benefits that...
Tallneck: The Shining Wastes
When you reach the Tallneck at the Shining Wastes, you are likely going to be puzzled as to what it is that you need to be able to take on this challenge. Aloy might even mention that you don't currently...
The Broken Sky - Scan The Bulwark
During your progression of the main quest The Broken Sky in Horizon: Forbidden West, you will get an objective to "Scan the Bulwark". Seems like a simple task, but as soon as you load up your focus, you will see...
Stuck in the Melee Pit
Melee pits can be found in many villages, towns and cities across the game in Horizon: Forbidden West. Each will come with a couple of challenges to take on but there can often be an issue where you become stuck...
Hunting Grounds Quest Bug
The hunting grounds were a major part of the past Horizon games as they provided a lot of entertainment for the player but also gave you some useful gameplay and combat experience. The hunting grounds have returned in Horizon: Forbidden...
Relic Ruins: The Stillsands
The Still Lands is the Relic Ruin that you will find in the desert area of Horizon: Forbidden West. I must say that I found this to be a rather frustrating relic ruin because I am not entirely sure the...
Relic Ruins: Restless Weald
Restless Weald is a fairly enjoyable Relic Ruin in Horizon: Forbidden West that will test you on a few new puzzle mechanics as well as give you one of the most cryptic door code clues that may take you a...
The Taste of Victory Bird Eggs
As part of The Taste of Victory quest, you will be asked to see out some bird eggs on an island near a lake. The quest seems rather innocuous until you actually arrive on the island and are faced with...
Is There Any Reason To Keep Ancient Items?
Looting chests and other ancient storage containers will often reveal some kind of ancient items. These can range from things like keys, or chimes as they are referred to in the game, to some technological items that are from the...