Astroneer - Aluminum Alloy

astroneer aluminium alloy

Aluminium Alloy is a composite resource in Astroneer. It is a combination of two common resources in the game, copper and, can you guess what other metal? Aluminium! The word alloy is generally used for metals that are made up of a combination of other metals and that is what this item is.

This is another resource that is used for some high-end items in the game such as the large rover. So far we have this and rubber. Two composite resources that are not too difficult to obtain. You will have your large rover in no time at all!

How Do You Get Aluminum Alloy?

Aluminium alloy can be crafted at a chemistry station. It is an alloy metal that is a combination of aluminium and copper. Since both of these are quite easy to obtain on the starting planet, you should be able to use this crafting recipe to create the alloy as soon as you are able to construct the chemistry lab.

1 Aluminium, 1 CopperChemistry LabAluminium Alloy


What Can You Craft With Aluminum Alloy?

Aluminium alloy can be used to craft a couple of essential items that are useful later in the game. The table below will give you a full list of things you can construct using aluminium alloy.

Backpack Printer1 Aluminum AlloySolid-Fuel Jump Jet
Small Printer1 Aluminum Alloy, 1 SiliconePaver
Medium Printer1 Aluminum Alloy, 1 RubberRecreational Sphere
Large Printer1 Aluminum Alloy, 1 Steel, 2 TitaniumExtra Large Curved Platform
1 Iron, 2 Steel, 1 Aluminum AlloyFigurine Platform
1 Aluminum Alloy, 2 CeramicMedium Shuttle
2 Aluminum Alloy, 2 RubberLarge Rover


What Does Aluminium Alloy Look Like

Aluminium Alloy looks very similar to the other advanced composite resources in Astroneer. It is a similar colour to a regular piece of refined aluminium.  You can see from the image and the video above what it looks like. If you are looking for the resources to obtain it, you will need to keep an eye out for the following resources.

what does aluminium alloy look like
Laterite is the base material that you are going to need to create Aluminium Alloy. Laterite is what you will need to smelt in order to create aluminium.
how to make aluminium alloy
A raw piece of aluminium is one of the materials that you will need to craft this. You can create aluminium from smelting laterite
astroneer how to get aluminium alloy
Aluminium Alloy is crafted by combining a regular piece of aluminium with a piece of copper.
how to craft aluminium alloy
Copper is the second resource that you will need to craft Aluminium Alloy. To create this, you will need to smelt some malachite which is fairly common in the rocky mountains.



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