South Park Game Guides

Single player takes the form of a "Story" mode divided into five episodes and fifteen linear levels. The player will face weak minions (which change based on the episode), plus occasional sub-bosses which will try to escape into town. The final level is devoted to a unique boss fight. Players use quirky weapons ranging from infinite yellow snowballs to cow launchers and toxic Terrance and Phillip dolls. Every weapon has a secondary fire, and players switch between the four main characters when they switch weapons - each of the four kids shares a single life bar because of this. The kids wil...

Below you will find a collection of game guides, tutorials and other helpful material relating to South Park


South Park Box Art

South Park

Single player takes the form of a "Story" mode divided into five episodes and fifteen linear levels. The player will face weak minions (which change based on the episode), plus occasional sub-bosses which will try to escape into town. The final level is devoted to a unique boss fight. Players use quirky weapons ranging from infinite yellow snowballs to cow launchers and toxic Terrance and Phillip dolls. Every weapon has…


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