Donkey Kong Game Guides

Donkey Kong is not only Nintendo's first real smash hit for the company, but marks the introduction for two of their most popular mascots: Mario (originally "Jumpman") and Donkey Kong. The game is a platform-action game that has Mario scale four different industrial themed levels (construction zone, cement factory, an elevator-themed level, and removing rivets from girders) in an attempt to save the damsel in distress, Pauline, from the big ape before the timer runs out. Donkey Kong is also notable for being one of the first complete narratives in video game form, told through simplistic cu...

Below you will find a collection of game guides, tutorials and other helpful material relating to Donkey Kong


Donkey Kong Box Art

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong is not only Nintendo's first real smash hit for the company, but marks the introduction for two of their most popular mascots: Mario (originally "Jumpman") and Donkey Kong. The game is a platform-action game that has Mario scale four different industrial themed levels (construction zone, cement factory, an elevator-themed level, and removing rivets from girders) in an attempt to save the damsel in distress, Pauline, from the big…


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