Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Game Guides
Fire up a wild ride across the cosmos with a fresh take on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. In this action-adventure game, you are Star-Lord leading the unpredictable Guardians from one explosion of chaos to the next. You got this. Probably.
Below you will find a collection of game guides, tutorials and other helpful material relating to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy
Fire up a wild ride across the cosmos with a fresh take on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. In this action-adventure game, you are Star-Lord leading the unpredictable Guardians from one explosion of chaos to the next. You got this. Probably.
Why Is The Fridge Door Always Open?
In between the main missions of the game, you will be able to explore the Milano. This is a lot of fun as it gives you a sneak peek into the bedrooms of the other members of the Guardians of...
How To Break Out of The Red Jelly
After sliding down a steep cliff, you will find yourself stuck in a pit of red jelly. Gamora was able to jump to avoid it but the rest of you are sinking and things do not look good. Rocket is...