How rare is the spawning of a woodland mansion in Minecraft?


I have spent a lot of time playing on different worlds. I always spend a lot of time in the forests since there is a lot of wood and they are less hostile. I have seen videos of people finding these big woodland mansions that usually have lots of great resourses inside of them. I spend a lot of time in the woodland areas and I can’t seem to find any of these mansions. What am i doing wrong?

How rare is the spawning of a woodland mansion in Minecraft

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1 Answer

Dan -

I don’t think they are any more rare than other structures like temples and villages. I have seen a good few seeds where there were multiple temples close together. I don’t know the exact metrics on it though. If you really want one, this seed has a woodland temple and a village connected together. Pretty good place to start a decent settlement and get to experience what a woodland temple is actually like.


  1. cool minecraft

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