How do you get to the Ivory Peaks?


I’ve been roaming around for a while and I can’t find any clues as to how to get to the Ivory Peaks to get to the last leader guy. Nor ally the game gives better clues but I’m fairly lost now as to how to make it up there. I didn’t get any new gadget to help me fly and the beeline doesn’t go up that high.

How do you get to the Ivory Peaks
Yoku's Island Express

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1 Answer

SteveSickle89 -

Head left from the main village and you will come across a tree that looks a bit like the deku tree from Zelda. It will talk to you and say you need to find an egg. The tree is huge and hard to miss. Once you find it go left and you will find the ramps to push you upward to the snowy levels. 

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