Gaming Videos
Stick It To The Man Walkthrough And Speedrun
For this guide I have only included the levels that actually contain puzzles. The first 2 levels are pretty much tutorials and there are 2 more later on in the game that just involve running from the start to the...
How to Find The Sandy Shores UFO Easter Egg
The Sandy Shores UFO is one of many UFO easter eggs in GTA. You will need to have 100% game completion to unlock this easter egg. If you are using the ps3 version of the game there is a glitch you...
Video Games With WWE Commentary (Jim Ross)
Who would have thought that WWE commentary would have worked so well when dubbed over standard video game footage? "THERE'S PEOPLE IN THERE!!!" Jim Ross is known for his energetic over the top commentating. Adding this commentating to your standard video...
Terminator 2 Truck Scene Remade In GTA5
The iconic truck scene from Terminator 2, where Arnold is on the bike trying to fight off the T-1000 down in the flood drains. This was one of the coolest movie scenes of the entire franchise if not one of...
New FPS 'VisonEck' announced for PS4
Developed by VizionEck (yes they named the game after themselves ), the game setting out to break the mold and redefine what's possible within the FPS category. The developers promises This is done both with the game's artistic visuals and...
Let's play - Saints Row : The Third
Dave and I had both played this game in the past, so we had expected this to be a much better coordinated run. Considering I have already beat the game start to finish with a coop partner, I don't know...
Giant Megalodon Shark Easter Egg Discovered In Battlefield 4
It has been rumored for some time that the new Battlefield 4 DLC contained a Megalodon shark easter egg but after months of hunting and no success finding it, it started to appear as if this was nothing more than...
Let's Play - South Park The Stick Of Truth
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Everything Wrong With Gamers These DaysIn One Video
This video perfectly sums everything that is wrong with the gaming industry. The guys over a Nintendo life really hit the nail on the head with this one, make sure to give them a like and subscribe.
Far Cry 3 in Real Life
Ever wonder what Farcry , or any game for that matter might look like in real life? Well wonder no more because there is an incredibly impressive video that shows what it could be like. Imagine this was actually a...