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The Lack Of A Playstation Store Wishlist Is Getting Annoying

I tend to check the PlayStation Store on my PS4 every week or so to see if there are any new deals. It is great to see Sony adopting a Steam style strategy to the selling of digital games. However...
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What's With All The Milk Vending Machines In Fallout 4

Bit of a pointless topic, but I couldn't help but wonder what the significance is behind all the milk vending machines in Fallout 4. I don't remember these featuring in past games and they seem to serve no purpose at...
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Micro Transactions Are Killing DLC

A recent post over on Gamespot revealed that GTA online has made over half a billion dollars. This is one of the most financially successful online games to have ever been created and it more than deserves it, but is...
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Playstations Trophy Rarity System Is Pointless

I was recently looking through the trophies for a game and thought that the rarity indicators seemed a bit weird. First of all I think the titles alone are a bit weird. Something that 25% of people have is definitely...
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Im Sick of Beating Games on Hard For Trophies or Achievements

With starting any article that involves trophies or achievements, I feel I always need to defend myself from the most common response. Yes I understand nobody is making me collect them. When I play any game that support some form...
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Bioshock Burial At Sea Was Not Rapture

Similar to the experience I had with the DLC for past Bioshock games, I owned Bioshock Infinite, but never got around to buying the DLC for this game. Out of all the games in the Bioshock Collection, the Burial at...
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Minervas Den Just Blew Me Away

I consider myself a big Bioshock fan, but I will admit that I have never played Minervas Den before. Back when Bioshock 2 released I didn't have the money to pay for the DLC when it came out. As time...
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Bioshock 1 Vs Bioshock 2

I have always looked back a lot more positively on Bioshock 1 over Bioshock 2, but it has been a long time since I played both. It was also quite a gap between playing the first Bioshock over the second....
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Fallout 4 Should Have Had More Pre War Content

Like I do for many game franchises I enjoy, I intentionally ignore all media on the build-up to the games release so I can enjoy everything without spoilers. The pre-war scenes in Fallout 4 were one of these things that...
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Is a Skyrim HD Remake Really What We Needed?

Amongst all of the exciting news from E3 this year came news that Bethesda would be releasing a HD remake of Skyrim on the PS4 and Xbox One. This game would come with high res textures and mod support. While...